Code of Conduct – ICRM 2023
The organizers of the ICRM 2023 conference announce all the participants that during this event, they have to respect the Romanian law regarding the prevention and fighting any form of discrimination and harassment. Participants will show respect one another and assure a collegial and polite environment, propitious for successful scientific exchanges.
Participants will avoid any actions or statements expressing discrimination or harassment towards other people, assuring an equal treatment no matter of gender identity, age, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, political affiliation, marital status, health condition, disability, social origin or trade union activity/affiliation. Harassment includes (but it is not limited to) violent, intimidating or offensive behavior and language, unwanted touching or attention, taking photos of people without their permission and stalking.
Any violation of this Code of Conduct will be reported to the conference organizers in order to investigate the situation and adopt appropriate measures. The possible sanctions can go from a verbal warning to ejection from the conference without refund of the registration fee. If necessary, the conference organizers will notify the Romanian authorities. Retaliation for complaints of inappropriate conduct will not be accepted.
The conference organizers express their confidence in the human qualities of the ICRM community members and we hope that during the ICRM 2023 conference no type of discrimination or harassment will occur. Thank you in advance for supporting this Code of Conduct.