Thank you for taking part at ICRM 2023!
It is spring time in Bucharest!
The weather is sunny, with temperatures between 6-7 C degrees (early morning) and 20-22 C degrees (afternoon). SUNDAY 26 MARCH 2023, the official time in Romania will change from GMT+2 h to GMT+3 h
(daylight savings time). Please, consider this for the Sunday schedule (and the rest of the conference days).
FOR THE GUIDED BUCHAREST CITY TOUR (16:00-18:00 h local time GMT+3 h):
1. Confirm your participation at icrm2023@nipne.ro
2. Be present in the lobby of the hotel Radisson Blu (ground floor) or outside near the hotel entrance, by 15:45-15:55 h;
3. The two buses will come and stay for a short time in front the hotel, and the departure will be at 16:00 h. AN EQUAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS WILL GET IN EACH BUS (± 1 PERSON), as agreed in the contract with the two guides companies.
4. The return of the buses to the hotel will be at about 18 h, when the participants from the tour can register at the conference.
The Registration Desk will be at Hotel Radisson Blu, at the mezzanine level, near the staircase (or elevators) going from the right part of the ground floor
(hotel entrance hall) directly to the mezzanine level (press the M button at the elevator).
Information will be asked to the registrants in order to plan the visits at IFIN-HH, the conference dinner, the guided city tour and the visit to the Romanian Athenaeum. You will sign at the receipt of the promotional items.
Welcome drinks and a basic reception package will be offered to the registrants (included in the registration fee).
Because of several events organized during the weekend 24-26 March 2023, the administrative service of the Parliament Palace
in Bucharest announced us that the visit of the ICRM 2023 registered participants is no longer possible, unfortunately.
This visit will be probably replaced in the program by a guided Bucharest City Tour, on Sunday 26 March 2023, during 16:00-18:00 local time.
More details will follow soon. The conference organizers apologize for this last minute unexpected program modification.
Thank you.
Dear Colleagues,
Please, pay the registration fee as soon as possible by wire transfer, in order to support the organization of the ICRM 2023 Conference.
The information about the Registration fee (see the corresponding menu option) was updated today (8 March 2023).
Thank you for your help.
I hope to see you soon at the ICRM 2023 conference in Bucharest!
Aurelian Luca
The ICRM 2023 conference location will be the HOTEL RADISSON BLU (5*), situated downtown Bucharest
(address: Street Calea Victoriei, no. 63-81, Bucharest 010065, Romania).
The hotel offers excellent conditions for the conference and the participants.
Radisson Blu Hotel Brochure
The ICRM 2023 conference will start on SUNDAY 26 MARCH 2023 with the visit to the Parliament Palace
from Bucharest (at 16:00 h) and with the registration of the participants at hotel Radisson Blu (17:00 - 21:00 h).
Information about Hotels for room booking is available in the menu section Accommodation & Visa.
Please, note that the deadline for preferential rates at the conference venue hotels (Radisson Blu and Park Inn) is 28 FEBRUARY 2023.
Please, reserve rooms at the hotels before the end of February.
Thank you.
Dear Colleagues,
In order to complete your registration for the ICRM 2023 conference, please, pay the Registration fee as soon as possible.
The main payment method is by bank transfer. You can also pay in cash at the conference.
For the paper presentation and publishing, at least one author must register and attend the conference in-person, at Bucharest.
In order to participate to the conference:
1. Get the approval of the management of your institution (institute/university etc.) for your participation to ICRM 2023;
2. Ask an Invoice from the organizers of ICRM 2023 and provide all the necessary details (who is paying the fee, the institute/university name and postal address,
VAT code or taxpayer ID number etc.), in the online form from https://indico.nipne.ro/event/199/registrations/7/ or
by e-mail at icrm2023@nipne.ro and Cc: aluca@nipne.ro
3. After you receive the Invoice by e-mail, please, pay the invoice (by bank transfer) and send some payment proof by e-mail to icrm2023@nipne.ro
(a copy of a payment order /statement of bank account).
The invoice in original will be given to you at the conference or sent by post.
IFIN-HH bank account details (EUR):
For payment details: ICRM-2023, Your first name and family name.
The early registration fee is 600 EUR/participant and the payment deadline is 27 January 2023;
The normal registration fee is 650 EUR/participant to be paid during 28 January 2023 - 25 March 2023;
The on-site registration fee is 700 EUR/participant and can be paid in cash only, at the conference, on 26 or 27 March 2023.
The online registration fee (for remote participation by ZOOM) is 200 EUR/participant to be paid until 27 February 2023.
For students, master's students and PhD students there will be a reduced registration fee (in-person participation):
300 EUR/participant to be paid until 27 February 2023.
For the COMMERCIAL COMPANIES representatives: 600/650/700 EUR/participant, depending on the payment period.
For more details, including the registration fee for the participants from Romania (Romanian and foreign citizens from Romania), see the Registration fee section.
Thank you.
The organizers of the ICRM 2023 conference express their thanks to all the people who registered until now (with or without abstracts). IT WAS DECIDED TO POSTPONE THE DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION UNTIL FRIDAY 21 OCTOBER 2022 (you can submit abstracts including Friday). Afterwards, it will be possible to register only without abstract submission (with the exception of the experts to present invited papers).
WELCOME to the ICRM 2023 International Conference on Radionuclide Metrology and its Applications, in Bucharest, Romania!
The 23rd International Conference on Radionuclide Metrology and its Applications (ICRM 2023) will be held during 27-31 March 2023, in the city of Bucharest, Romania.
We kindly invite you to participate to this important scientific event.
The conference is organized by the International Committee for Radionuclide Metrology (ICRM) and the Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH).
The ICRM 2023 Conference will be organized in hybrid format, but we encourage the participants to travel to Bucharest and participate in person to the conference.
The online participants will connect audio-video by ZOOM to watch the conference presentations. They will be able to ask questions/make comments by chat,
but it will not be possible to present papers online. The registration fee and the payment methods will be announced soon. Please, follow this web page for periodical updates.
This scientific event will continue the tradition of the previous ICRM conferences in order to present new developments and enhance the international
collaboration in the field of radionuclide metrology. There will be some changes in the usual program format, in order to make the conference more dynamic, interactive and modern.
Initially scheduled in 2021, the ICRM conference was postponed because of the Covid-19 pandemic. After two very difficult years, the pandemic situation is improving all over the world.
Unfortunately, the war started by the armed forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine on 24 February 2022, close to the Romanian borders, is a threat to the peaceful life
and work of the people living in this part of Europe. If the war and its terrible consequences will continue for several months,
there will be a negative impact on the organization of the ICRM 2023 conference.
Please, check periodically this web page for updates.
We express our wishes of peace, health, success and all the best for you, your families and colleagues.
Radionuclide metrology brings together interdisciplinary research and development teams (physicists, chemists, biologists, mathematicians, engineers etc.)
with the main purpose to assure improved tools for the qualitative and quantitative characterization of the radionuclides. This work is important, because it
has an impact on many applications for a sustainable development: life sciences, climate change, environmental protection (clean air, water and soil; food safety),
nuclear energy, ionizing radiation protection, radioactive waste management, industry (new materials, radioactive standards, detectors etc.).
The International Committee for Radionuclide Metrology (ICRM) [ website ] , founded at Paris (1974), is an association of
radionuclide metrology laboratories represented by appointed delegates together with other scientists (associated members).
The ICRM promotes the international collaboration in the field of radionuclide metrology. More and more
institutions and specialists adhere to the ICRM: now there are 47 institutional members.
The biennial ICRM conferences, the ICRM Low Level Radionuclide Metrology Techniques (LLRMT) conferences
(held every four years), the annual ICRM Working Groups meetings and other actions (like training courses
for young researchers) are OPEN to all the professionals (researchers, professors, engineers, technicians etc.)
and students interested by the radionuclide metrology and its applications. The most recent ICRM conference
was the 22nd International Conference on Radionuclide Metrology and its Applications (ICRM 2019), hosted by
the University of Salamanca (Spain), during 27-31 May 2019 [https://icrm.usal.es ].
The ICRM Low Level Radioactivity Measurement Techniques international conference (ICRM LLRMT 2022) was recently held during May 2-6, 2022, in Assergi, Italy, https://icrm2022.lngs.infn.it/
Romanian Group @ ICRM 2015
IFIN-HH is one of the most important research institutes from Romania [ https://www.nipne.ro ]. It originates from the
Physics Institute of the Romanian Academy, founded by Prof. Horia Hulubei, in 1949 (the Institute of Atomic
Physics (IFA), since 1956). The institute is dedicated to the research and development in physical and natural
sciences, mainly Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Engineering, and in related areas including Astrophysics and Particle
Physics, Field Theory, Mathematical and Computational Physics, Atomic Physics and Physics of Condensed Matter,
Life and Environmental Physics. In all these fields, IFIN-HH conducts theoretical and experimental research.
The most important research infrastructure in Romania is the International Research Center Extreme Light
Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP). This project, implemented by IFIN-HH, is co-financed by the European Commission
and the Romanian Government from Structural Funds via the European Regional Development Fund.
[ https://www.eli-np.ro ].
The Radionuclide Metrology Laboratory (RML) at IFIN-HH, Romania, was established with Dr. Leon Enric Grigorescu
(30.03.1932-25.08.2020) as its first head, in 1966. He was the Head of the laboratory for many years, with a number of remarkable achievements.
After his retirement in 2003, Dr. Maria Sahagia took over as Head of the laboratory (until 2017) and had very
important contributions to the development of the laboratory.
In 2017, Dr. Aurelian Luca became the laboratory head. The traditional radionuclide metrology research
performed at RML led to original and important contributions that have been recognized by the ICRM community
(absolute methods for the activity standardization of radionuclides, source preparation, nuclear decay data evaluation,
gamma-ray spectrometry). Now, there are also new scientific applications under development, based on Monte Carlo
simulation methods, X-ray spectrometry, alpha-particle spectrometry and metrology for radon monitoring (222Rn).
In 2019, the two metrology laboratories from IFIN-HH (radionuclide metrology and dosimetry, respectively) joined to form
the Ionising Radiation Metrology Laboratory (LMRI). The Head of the LMRI is Dr. Mihail-Răzvan Ioan. Recently, a few young
researchers and students were hired in this metrology laboratory.
IFIN-HH is a designated participant in CIPM-MRA in the field of ionizing radiations, member of the CIPM-CCRI (II) (since 2004), ICRM (since 1980),
Decay Data Evaluation Project (DDEP); it is also associated member of EURAMET, Technical Committee for Ionizing Radiations (TC-IR) and owner of the
Romanian National Standard of the physical quantity Activity (of a radionuclide) - since 2013.
Dr. Leon Enric Grigorescu and Dr. Maria Sahagia participated to the first summer school on radionuclide
metrology in 1972, at Herceg Novi (in former Yugoslavia, now in Montenegro). Both of them had important
contributions to the ICRM for many years: absolute activity standardization of many radionuclides,
radioactive sources preparation, low level activity measurements etc. Since 1991, the radionuclide
metrology from IFIN-HH was represented at all the biennial ICRM conferences by several scientists.
Dr. E. L. Grigorescu was Vice-President of the ICRM during the period (1991-1995) and Dr. Maria Sahagia was
member in the Nominating Committee of the ICRM (2001-2009). Dr. Aurelian Luca served as a member in the Scientific Committees of the ICRM Conferences in 2017 and 2019.
In 2020, Dr. A. Luca was elected Vice-President of the ICRM.
Other researchers from IFIN-HH with several participations with papers, or being present at the ICRM
conferences, are: Ianca Stanef, Constantin Ivan, Emanuela Cincu, Mirela Saizu, Anamaria Cristina Wätjen,
Doru Stângă, Aurelian Luca, Andrei Antohe, Mihail-Răzvan Ioan, Daniela Gurău, Cornel Liviu Ţugulan (the
last seven researchers mentioned are in the group photo from the conference ICRM 2015 in Vienna (Austria),
together with Dr. Maria Sahagia, Prof. Dr. Octavian Sima and Mrs. Andra R. Iurian).
Dr. Octavian Sima, Professor Emeritus at the University of Bucharest
The Local Organizing Committee
14 June 2022,
Bucharest, Romania